Imagine confidently developing an individualized diet and supplement plan for your pet, advocating for choices to improve energy, vitality and minimize veterinary visits all while protecting your pet from the risk of developing cancer and you from the added expense of costly treatments and heartache.
Introducing a pet cancer prevention course from Dr. Kendra Pope. The most comprehensive solution for pet parents to assess their pet’s health and take control of their cancer and chronic disease risk.
Did you know the incidence of cancer in dogs is now five times higher than it is in people?
Are a pet parent who already knows the importance of diet, minimizing toxins, and a healthy lifestyle, but are unsure how to apply these to your pet’s daily routine to minimize their risk of cancer, this course is for you! Own and love a high-risk breed and worry because you have been told there is nothing you can do to lower their risk of cancer, this course is for you! Have lost a pet to cancer in the past and want to do everything you can to prevent that from ever happening to another pet in the future, this course is for you! Currently have a pet who is undergoing conventional treatment for cancer, but know there is more that can be done to identify the causes so you can prevent it from coming back or spreading in the future, this course is for you! You’re in the right place.